As life on the inside is the main activity at the moment all I want to do is drool over beautifully designed objects and furniture. I have fallen deeply inlove with these beautiful objects designed by Ana Kras.
Pip Emma a team of two ladies - yep one named pip and the other emma.
We create jewellery and accessories inspired by free afternoons, spontaneous tea parties, cake eating, melodic tunes, crushes on shoes, garden paths, transitory spying, your grandma's jewellery box, art deco green, fiery heroines, perfect letter press, forgotten postcards, secret histories, hidden love, wet stamps, blue stocking suffragettes, masked smugglers, red ballet shoes, plenty of gin and tonic, the spit of punk rock, rooms with open fires matched with open windows, being a lost in a fog, kissing in back alleys, handsome dada and things long forgotten found in the dark under houses.